Support Services

• EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE On receiving your text we will check it for consistency and advise on the need to obtain the necessary copyright clearances. By discussing these matters at the beginning of the production process we can save both time and expense.

• BOOK DESIGN SERVICE We take time to discuss production methods and page styles. The layout and design of your book is obviously important so we are careful to give it particular attention. We are able to provide professional design assistance. Our objective is to work together in order to guarantee a high quality book that lives up to your expectations.

• MARKETING ADVICE We will help you with a wide range of marketing-related matters, including how to determine the price of your book. In addition we give advice on pre-publication publicity, local selling opportunities and how to maximise media publicity. It is important that the retail selling price takes into consideration the full cost of production. There are often costs in addition to those for print production. We will help to identify all pre-production costs and to estimate the likely costs associated with the launch of your book. We have a formula that will enable you to determine an appropriate price.

• ONLINE SALES In order to capitalise on the ever-increasing opportunities provided by the world-wide web, we will publicise and sell your book on this web site.

• OTHER SERVICES We will help you to obtain an ISBN for your book and will organise advance publicity through the British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Programme. We can also supply a barcode for your book if required. In addition, we can advise you on legal formalities including the filing of statutory copies with the appropriate libraries. Your book can also be made available for purchase on various websites including

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History Into Print © 2025